jeudi 9 novembre 2017

Your blog in social networks and in the secondlife

I will begin by describing what a Blog is: A blog is like a clear diary. This has to do as you want to show it to the public, blogs usually contain a lot of thematic information, such as Personal, Fair, Politics, Fashion and everything you want. Show the public, there are no rules, you put the rules. The important thing in your blog is that every time you generate this content is of high quality and interest, in this way you will always have an audience, you will not always have thousands of visitors, but if you manage to position your blog well, you will see. Here at this point is where the so-called social networks start working ahhh I forgot to take into account that a blog is also a social network. They are Internet sites formed by communities that, like Blogs, have common interests.

Social networks play an important role now in our daily life of Second Life, since many of us are governed by these, I do not say that they control our lives, but it can happen. Through social networks we can communicate in thousands of ways and ways, conventional or not, that we know innumerable people, communities, situations and emotions that maybe we had not lived before, anyway. The digital age changed the world and also changed us. In all its forms, Second Life is an extension of Real Life although many say it is not. But it is the raw and cruel truth.

Erienn Bowenford

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