(en) We want to see the creative perspective of our selected [sYs] skins through your eyes!
This Contest will run from October 2011 to May 2012.
Every month a skin will be released or announced as the skin of the month, in order to participate you will need to buy this particular skin at our mainstore.
There are some limitations like how to style. You are welcome to use other designs in your images for hair, lingerie and accessories ONLY FROM OUR SPONSORS, but the focus of your style should mainly represent [sYs].
Only [sYs] clothes will be allowed .
Keep in mind that it is a skin contest, therefore nudity is allowed as long as it is done in a tasteful manner.
For the theme of your images, just be as creative as possible.
We reserve the right to decline any images that we do not see fitted or proper for this contest.
Every month one winner will be selected and at the end of the contest (that shall last six months total), our monthly winners will be delivered by one last skin that they will have to compete in a "Styling Challenge" where a panel of [sYs] Staff and Muses will decide who is the winner based on that challenge.
[] R U L E S O F T H E C O M P E T I T I O N []
What do you need to do to participate?
[1] Join ::The [sYs] MONTHLY CONTEST:: group on flickr, so you’ll be able to submit you images for the contest to the group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/sixmonthsofsixskinsbysys/
and the [sYs] Design inworld group
[2] Every month a new skin will be selected and announced in the flickr and [sYs] Design groups as the "[sYs] Skin of the Month" that will have to be used in order to take part in the contest.
You and any other models that are featured in your image, must be wearing the "[sYs] Skin of the Month"
Bodyshots ( full or 3/4 ) or headshots are allowed as long as the skin is well displayed.
[3] Rename your image submission on flickr as follows "[sYs] Skin Challenge (your full name) - (Name of the Skin of the Month and Month of participation)"
Example: [sYs] Skin Challenge Elyna Carver -"BlackLiquid skin June"
[4] You are allowed to submit only one (1) image per month.
[5] On the description field, please credit all content photographed in the image. Also, please be sure to credit the photographer if you didn’t photograph the image by yourself.
[6] All Images that are submitted will need to be either 1024x1024 px or 2048x1024px. Light photoshop editing is allowed as long as the skin colour and display is not altered .
[7] DEADLINE: for all image submissions the 30th of each month by 9:00 AM SLT!
Only images submitted before this date/time will be considered as valid.
The winner will be announced via the flickr group on the 6th of the following month at the same time we announce the new "[sYs] Skin of the Month".
[] P R I Z E S []
- M O N T H L Y 1 s t P L A C E W I N N E R
The participants image submission that is chosen, as the winner of the month will receive:
L$3,500 of [sYs] Store Credit and qualify for the chance to win a larger reward.
and the prizes of Manifeste, Glitterati, Del May, Shi Mainstore, Plume, Euphoria, Finesmith, Attitudes Lingerie, Vanity Hair, KMADD, Mandala
O V E R A L L [ s Y s ] S K I N C H A L L E N G E W I N N E R
- The winner will receive:
- L$50,000 by [sYs] Designers.
- 5 Outfits available @ [sYs] of their choice
- 1 Inspired Skin named after her to be sold in the Store
- Invitation to join sYs Designs Model Group.
✘ And the prizes of
✎ Modavia -> Guest model for the [sYs] Ad on the Modavia Magazine
✎ Secondnights -> 5000 L plus an article on Secondnighters Magazine
✎ Fan shopping chat -> A shooting with Fan Spirit Studio for 2500L and your choice of pictures - worth 2000L
✎ CIA designs -> A new outfit
✎ Manifeste -> 10 pose packs (100 poses) of their choice.
✎ Del May -> 10 Couple and 100 single poses from Del May Mainstore OR An exclusive custom made couple or two person pose.
✎ Finesmith -> Special item ( best seller or new release ) or giftcard
✎ Attitude -> A collection (5-colors pack) they choose + a unique set (special color set, color being of course chosen by the winner, or a most exclusive set, that has never been sold)
✎ Plume -> 3 fat pack
✎ Vanity hair -> A new release fat pack with all colors.
✎ Kmadd -> Complete Couture Hair Collection.
✎ Mandala-> 3000 L in store products
Good luck to all participants! We look forward to see what all of you can create…
Thank you to all our sponsors who accepted to participate to this wonderful event! Thank you to:
✘ Attitudes Lingerie
✘ CIA Design
✘ Del May
✘ Euphoria
✘ Fan Spirit Studio
✘ Finesmith
✘ Glitterati
✘ Manifeste
✘ Modavia
✘ Plume
✘ Secondnights
✘ Vanity Hair
✘ Mandala
[sYs] Design Staff
If you have any questions, please contact
[sYs] Owner : Syane Cisse or Systi Cisse
[sYs] Contest Manager : Arialee Miles
Note: By submitting your image to the contest you are allowing [sYs] Design to reserve all rights to keep images submitted and re-use them as they see fit as well as to disqualify an image based on the staff criteria.